The History of Applied Behavior Analysis
You've heard of Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968), but what was it like during the founding of the field of Applied Behavior Analysis?
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13 BACB® Learning CEUs
Our field is rich in stories, data, and relics of the past. This 13 CEU online asynchronous course takes you to Lawrence, Kansas, through storytelling and ultra high-definition (4K) visuals of those who experienced and continue to expand the historical roots of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Who’s involved, and what will you learn?
A Tour of Don Baer's Office at the University of Kansas
Click play, and experience Don's office as if you were there getting a personal tour.
I hope that you will find this course as an engaging, respectful, and representative picture of the early days of the field of applied behavior analysis. Admittedly, Lawrence is not the only place one could attribute to the "beginning." However, you will find it plays an extremely significant role in what is known today as Applied Behavior Analysis. The success and value you and my fellow colleagues in the field find in this first step will determine future additions exploring other locations and topics.
Looking to use this for your supervision or course sequence?
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Created by Ryan O'Donnell, MS, BCBA
Behavioral Scientist and Filmmaker
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